Gardening, Going Green…

My garden in it’s glory. My goal is to garden intensely

Current Events

My current events are working on an off line document with all the seed, plants and daily things going on in my real garden. The list of seed varieties has become gynormous… I mean really long!! How did it get that way, well let me tell you what. It has taken years and I have been a gardener for decades so it’s been a lot of seed purchases, seed swaps, plant purchases, plant swaps, a lot of photos and a lot of trial and error and every year its a different story! And so it begins, my 2019 saga of the garden.

Location, Location

They say everything focuses on location, location, location. And with gardening it is really not that much different. First location is my zone. I am zone 5 or 6 in the gardening world and in the 4 passed decades it has bounced back and forth to the one or the other. I am in the midwest…in the grand prairie state, Illinois. And when I get down to planting I have plenty of shady spots and sunny spots and spots that are inbetween.

Soil And Conditions

My soil base here is largely sand. It can be any color you like from gold to orange to grey to blue and shades in between. My fertility is with a capital P as in POOR! Although I have some spots that through the years have become ammended. And this fickle ground depending on the year can be dry as dead bones or wet as can be. Most of the time it is wet early on and adventure in swamp gardening which can last the entire season, but not always. Usually and typical, we can dig a post hole and the water table sets high and the hole will draw and this can be anywhere on my piece of paradise. Both in my vegetable garden and in the bog. Only had a couple years in the two decades we are here that it was dry as dead bones.

Like a Bear out of my Den

Like a bear out of my den with a yawn and a stretch I walked out of my door yesterday and yelled it is here! SPRING… Let the garden begin!

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


It is Not a Bakery

Not one to candy coat anything, I am a realist. It is not a bakery. I generally roll with the flow until I hit a wall. Then, I eventually figure out the hurdles. So off we go into the wild grand yonder. Today is one of those days I have a ton of things to get done. I am hoping to get a page rolling about gardening. It is raining and cold and cannot do anything outdoors. So I started logging my seeds, marking the calendar and working on plant tags. It’s a long chore!


I have my pages here at Word Press started. And I am still trying to get savvy on the navigation here. I will say, I have had easier formats to deal with and this one is a bit of a challenge, but I think once I get a sense of it I will get into a routine and things will be fine. So as you can see, there is my Fine Art America, KBE LTD Greetings and Graphics and then Zazzle.

The Chaos

Today, it is now, February 16th, and things are improving. I have a tendency to write in spurts and flit from topic to topic, but that’s ok, reading my pages you will find some sort of organization as I buzz from one part of the blog and my world to another. When you are buried in a mountain of things you want to do, there is no other way but to take each day and each piece of chaos and run with it.